Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cindy and Argon

Chrisica is a magical land of Awesomeness. There are wizards and witches, dragons and unicorns, fairies and giants, and all sorts of amazing creatures. The land stretches one hundred miles wide and across and is divided into nine regions: there are the deserts of Egyis, the cold and icy north of Canadonia, the geometric land of shapes of Geomics, the crystal city of Avalonia is in the vast farmlands of Kanzus, the land where it is always raining in Unidopita, the musical land where everyone sings and dances what they feel of Broadopolisway, the Raiiwaii forest stretches from Kanzus to Milwatiy, there is the hotlands of fire and the biggest volcano in Chrisica, Vulouvious , is in Hadicote, and the ninth region is cut off from the rest by a magical barrier so that the people living inside can be safe from any evil creatures who wish to harm them, their land is called Disca. There are manyrives and lakes and streams but there are also five great lakes which are the biggest and have magical waters, they are: Kantis, Jhotin, Hohei, Shinoa, and Utiva and each is guarded by beasts that protect the lakes from harm.

In the land of Chrisica, in the region of Kanzus there lived an amazingly beautiful girl named Cindy with her parents. They were all happy together up until the time that Cindy's mother died. She was killed by a terrible sickness that was brought about by an evil wizard who was eventually killed for his crimes. Cindy was very sad and so was her father but he knew that his daughter needed a mother and so he soon after married a woman who herself had lost her husband to the same wizard's spell. Cindy's new step mother had two daughters of her own and they were all very pretty but also really bitchy and mean. The step sisters pulled horrible and mean pranks on Cindy. They used spells to turn her soup into spittle, they fed her unicorn to a wombat beast, and they beat her daily. They also sold all of Cindy's nice clothes and forced her to wear rags and made her do all the household chores. Worse still, Cindy's father was a pushover and did nothing to stop them and the stepmother not only allowed it but encouraged the meanness and more often then not she would join in on the beatings.

One night, while Cindy's father, step mother and, step sisters all slept quietly in their beds, Cindy ran out of the house as fast as she could and ran all night until morning when she found herself lost in Raiiwaii, the deepest and darkest forest in all of Chrisica. She hadn't paid much attention to where she was running and didn't know how to get out of the forest since the forest is always changing so she just picked a direction and started walking. She eventually heard noises that sounded as if something or someone was in pain and, being kind of heart, she followed the sound to see who or what was making it and to her surprise, Cindy found, chained to an enchanted tree with a magical chain, a dragon, with scales as red as blood and he was the size of a house and he was fierce and his wings were large and powerful.

Cindy asked the dragon: “Why are you chained to this tree, Dragon? Who did this to you?”

The Dragon replied: “I was locked here as punishment, I once belonged to an evil wizard who killed many people and the knights, since I was too powerful for them to destroy, had witches and wizards lock me away in this forest. But I do not deserve to be locked up for I was only the pet of my master and did as I was told.”

Cindy thought for a moment and then said to the Dragon: “If I were to find a way free you, Dragon, maybe then you could be my pet and my friend and people will see that you do not deserve to be looked away forever.”

This made the dragon fell slightly happier but he was then sad again and told Cindy: “As much as I would like that, these chains can only be broken by the tears of one who is without any sin.”

Cindy smiled and said: “I have been good and kind my whole life, just as I had promised my mother I would be, so perhaps if I cry on your chains then they will break and you will be free.” So Cindy went up to the chains and held them in her hands and began to cry, for she had a lot to cry about and as it would happen, the chains broke and the dragon was freed. The creature was so grateful that he picked up Cindy and put her on his back and flew her out of the forest and into the sky. The two became good friends and the dragon, whose name was Argon, took Cindy to the home of his old master since it was abandoned now and she had nowhere else to live.

Not long after, word was spreading that the King and Queen of the crystal city of Avalonia would be hosting a magnificent party and that all the residents of Kanzus were invited to go. All the young ladies of the land were especially excited because at this party, the handsome young prince would pick for himself a bride and marry her. Cindy wished more than anything to go to the party buy she had nothing appropriate to wear since all the clothes in the Wizard's house were for men.

Argon said to Cindy, who had begun to cry: “Don't waste your tears on this little problem, Mistress. For you are forgetting that this house was the home of a wizard. If you look through the library, I am certain that you will find at least one spell book that can fit your needs.” Cindy looked through the late wizard's library and surly enough she found one. She used a spell to turn her raggedy clothes into a beautiful ballgown with silver stilettos and jewelery and now she was ready to go to the King and Queen's party and Argon flew her there.

When Cindy arrived at the party, everyone was awed by her beauty but none more so than the Prince. He danced with her and only her and for all the night they danced until Cindy spotted her step relatives and, in fear that they would recognize her, she fled the party as fast as she could. The prince pursued her but was not fast enough to catch her. But in her haste, Cindy left behind one of her silver stilettos on the castle's steps. The Prince ordered that this stiletto be placed on the foot of every young woman in the land and that he would marry the girl whose foot fit the stiletto perfectly. Every woman tried on the stiletto but none fit it perfectly, they were all either too small or too big for the shoe.

When the Prince's search party arrived at the place where Cindy was staying, they tried the shoe on Cindy and it was a perfect match. They Prince's men took Cindy and Argon to the castle and he married her at once and the dragon was given special accommodations on the castle grounds. When the Step sisters realized that their new princess was actually Cindy, they hurried over to the palace to try to get into her good favor. Cindy remembered all the horrible things that they had done to her but was too kind of heart to have them beheaded so instead she married the stepsisters off to royal blood and gave them permanent employment at the palace. Cindy married the older step sister to the Prince's best hunting dog and the younger one to the King's fastest falcon, and she employed the younger step sister as the castle servant and the older stepsister as cleaner of the castle stables. The step mother was so upset over the decree Cindy made concerning her daughters that she jumped at Cindy with a knife while the princess was walking threw the castle garden with Argon. To save his friend's life, the dragon burned the step mother alive with his fire breathe and the Prince was so grateful that his wife's life was saved that he made Argon leader of Avalonia's army. And as for Cindy's father, he began taking classes from a tutor to help him become more assertive.

The Creation of the Christaverse and the First People of Earth

In the beginning, back before there was anything, there was nothing. The universe did not exist and there was no life anywhere. The whole of everything was just a vast light void of cosmic energy, that was called Lightinheim. Below that void was another void. This was a dark void of cosmic energy and it was called Darkenheim. These two voids of powerful cosmic energy began to move closer to each other and soon, the two voids clashed and there was a great explosion of cosmic energy as the two eternal voids collided. From this explosion, Swinloggin was born. Swinloggin was the first life in the universe and The Father of All That Is to everything that existed after him. His height exceeded anything conceivable and his skin was rough and dirty. His eyes gleamed red.

The Great Giant was lonely and decided to create three children to keep him company. Swinloggin used his mighty strength to create a son from Darkinheim. His skin was red, his hair was black and his teeth were yellow and he had a tail and horns made of steel. Swinloggin called him Rousifix and he was the embodiment of evil itself. Then Swinloggin used his mighty strength to create a daughter from Lightinheim. Her skin was light and pale and she had bright blonde hair and two gigantic white wings. Swinloggin called her Vasillisa and she was the embodiment of goodness itself. Finally, Swinloggin used his mighty strength to create another son from what remained of Lightinheim and Darkenheim. This son was neither good nor evil but the essence of both flowed through his blood. He had one black wing and his hair was as blonde as his sister's. Swinloggin called him Aeoplis. Vasillisa and Aeoplis were as beautiful as Swinloggin was ugly and Rousifix was almost as ugly as his father.

Swinloggin was proud of his creations and was very tired from all his work so he went down for a long rest. The evil Rousifix was not content in the empty void with his father and sister and brother. He was bored. While Swinloggin slept, The Bloody One took one of his steel horns and stabbed his father in the heart, killing the Great Giant. The Evil One skipped away, singing merrily about what he had done. Aeoplis and Vasillisa saw what their brother had done and they decided to put their father's body to use to honor Swinloggin's memory. Aeoplis plucked the darkest feather from his lone wing and it took the shape of the first sword and Aeoplis called it Exaeoplier. The One-Winged Man chopped up Swinloggin's body while his sister, The Angelic Maiden, used the bits to create the world. She tossed her father's body and spun it and it became the earth and ground. She gave it one more shake and the wrinkles formed mountains. Then she placed Swinloggin's arms and legs in the four corners of the world and named the right arm North Point, the left arm South Point, the right leg Way East, and the left leg Way West.
With the help of Aeoplis, Vasillisa was able to place the heavy head of Swinloggin upon the four pillars she had just set down and the skull of their father became the sky. They took his red eyes and took the light out of the left one and it became a frozen gray sphere. They put that light into the right eye and with twice as much light in it, the red eye burned a flaming hot yellow. They placed the gray eye and the yellow eye in the space above the world they created together and called the gray eye Moon and the yellow eye Sun. They pushed the eyes to roll around a set course around the world and bring about night and day. Aeoplis and Vasillisa named their creation Earth and thus became the Father and Mother of Earth and they called the Earth and everything that existed around it the Christaverse.

Only after the memorial was finished being built did Vasillisa finally weep for her father's death. She cried and cried and her tears fell to Earth and became the oceans and rivers and lakes. Her magic tears fertilized the land causing grass and trees and flowers and vegetation to grow from the dirt. Aeoplis wanted his sister to stop crying before she flooded the world. He went to Earth and made creatures for the world they had fashioned. The Father of Earth sculpted all kinds of bears and lions, birds and fish, cats and horses, boars and snakes, dogs and bees, unicorns and gryphons, and every other sort of animals for his sad sister but she continued to cry. He then sculpted dwarfs and elves, and centaurs and all kinds and colors of dragons. The dwarfs dug holes and built their homes underground and called their home Underdome. Deep in Underdome, the dwarfs have a stash of their greatest treasures and it is one of the most protected places on the Earth. The elves divided into two factions due to their constant arguing. The Light Elves headed to North Point to make their home in the cold and snow where they could live and build with their magic. They called their home Krimykus. The Dark Elves headed to the forests and built their homes in the trees and called their land Huntington. The centaurs and dragons made their homes in no specific lands, they preferred the freedom of the wide open space and slept in caves or on fields when the gray moon rose. All this pleased Vasillisa very much and she stopped crying. Knowing that the trees were Vasillisa's favorite, Aeoplis picked the smallest ash tree out of the Earth and stretched it until it was larger than the Earth itself. He gave it to Vasillisa as a gift. She liked that tree very much and it made her happy. The Mother of Earth named the great ash tree Piggkarichull.

The Angelic Maiden found comfort in The One-Winged Man and she bore him three eggs. The first creature that hatched out of the first egg was called Amphishelldryo and it was a monster with the form of a wingless dragon inside the shell of a turtle and had the mane of a lion. Vasillisa placed the ash tree, Piggkarichull, upon Amphishelldryo's strong shell and rested the world upon Piggkarichull's branches. The Turtle Dragon forever swims around the void of space that is the Christaverse while carrying the world around with it. The second egg hatched and from it emerged a giant cobra, so long was its length that it could circle the world twice and bite its own tail. Vasillisa called the cobra Slifferion and placed it in Piggkarichull, the only place big enough for the World Cobra to live. From the third egg hatched the king of the gods that would soon become. He emerged fully grown with a short white beard and white hair like the snow at North Point. He was stronger than Aeoplis's strongest elephant and almost as handsome as his parents. Vasillisa was most proud of this child and set him on top of the skull sky to live and she called this god-to-be Zodenthur, Lord of the Heavens and god of the sun and sky.

Rousifix did not like this one bit. He was not pleased that his siblings left him out of building the world so he spat on their creation and where his spittle landed, nothing grew there and it was called desert. He was angry and jealous of Vasillisa's affections towards Aeoplis so The Red One took his steel horns and attacked his brother. Slifferion leaped from the tree to protect his father and bit the evil Rousifix, forever weakening The Red One with the poison from his fangs. The angry Rousifix used his steel horns to permanently blind the cobra then laughed about what he had done. Aeoplis, wielding Exaeoplier, attacked his evil brother. The battle was epic and much blood was split. The magic blood fell to the Earth. The blood that mixed with land became the gruesome Trolls of Blood who built their home in the land they called Brigsinheim. The blood that mixed with water became the seductive mermaids and mermen of the deep oceans and they called their underwater kingdom Atamantia.

In the end, even after being weakened by the cobra, Rousifix killed Aeoplis. The Red One took the skin of Aeoplis and wore it over his own and danced up to Vasillisa. The Angelic Maiden was not fooled by The Evil One's Trickery and she fled from him. Rousifix pursued her to Earth and caught her and had his way with her. Zodenthur saw all this from Avalympyis, the palace he built upon the skull of Swinloggin, and rushed down to Earth to save his mother. He grabbed Rousifix, who was too tired from all his mischief to resist, and fed the Bloody One to the Turtle Dragon, Amphishelldryo, and The Mother of Earth used her cosmic magics to imprison her evil brother inside the beast's belly until The End of Days, when the world ends. Zodenthur found his father's mighty sword, Exaeoplier, and slung it round his back.

Vasillisa gave birth to two more eggs, the father of these being her evil brother Rousifix. The creature to hatch from the first egg was a monster so fierce that any mortal creature who looked this creature in the eye died from shock. She called this monster Cerverius. It was a large bear-like beast with pitch black fur and two sizable wings. Cerverius had three heads, one was of a lion and the other a tiger and the third a bear. Zodenthur took this creature and gave it to the Dark Elves of the forests to watch over and tame if it could be tamed. From the second egg hatched a beautiful maiden, the first goddess of the gods and goddesses that would soon be. She was almost as beautiful as her mother, but her hair was brown and she was wingless. Vasillisa called the goddess Gemmica, the marriage and fertility goddess, and Zodenthur fell in love with her. He took the goddess up to Avalympyis and married her. Vasillisa was happy that her children were happy but sad that her lover and father were killed by her older brother. She died of a broken heart and her body turned into a mist that forever surrounds and protects the kingdom of Avalympyis in the Heaven upon Swinloggin's skull. From the mist, emerged a young maiden, beautiful and naked was made more than welcome into Heaven. She called herself Felicitia and was the most beautiful of all the goddesses, none would ever come close to her beauty which is why Felicitia became the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She was the final daughter of The Mother of Earth.

The King of Gods wanted to give his bride a gift. He went down to Earth and built out of clay a man and a woman. Zodenthur fashioned these people after himself and named the man Aris and the woman Ema. The god filled their lungs with air and they began to breathe and they came to life. Zodenthur told the two that he created them for this world and that they mustn't harm it or else they would be cursed to die mortal deaths. Aris and Ema agreed to the god's terms and wondered off to explore the world they were given to. Zodenthur rushed back up to his Heaven kingdom, Avalympyis, to show his wife the gift he made for her. She looked down to Earth and saw Aris and Ema. The Queen of Gods was not at all happy with what she saw before her. She thought that they were appalling and an insult to her divinity. She lied to her husband and told her she loved the gift and Zodenthur told her how he made them and what he had told them. Gemmica began to plot of a way to be ride of these monstrosities without her husband knowing she had any part of it. She had inherited her mother's beauty and her father's fiendish nature.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Man Who Built the Wall

You probably remember me from that time I built that awesome wall around Asgaurd with my horse. Did you enjoy that tale? Well, I for one, did not! Building the wall was a task that I did exceptionally well at but was cheated out of my prize by that fiendish Trickster Loki. You see, all I wanted was to build a wall for these gods and in exchange, Freya would become my wife if I were to complete the entire wall within a period of six months. I didn't think that I was asking for too much was I? I mean, all I ever wanted, ever desired, was to win the heart of the goddess Freya - the most beautiful and perfect and sexilicious woman in all of the nine worlds. And I would have totally succeded if Loki didn't seduce my faithful steed. I was hoodwinked, hoodwinked I tell you! I have made two promises to myself, the first is to get revenge on Loki for ruining my life, since because of him I failed my challenge and am not unemployed and homeless in Midgard. The second promise is to restore my name and become wealthy and powerful so that I can win Freya over and make her my bride, because let's face it, if she will sleep with four dwarfs then she could at least marry me, the man who built the wall for Asgard! And then, just because they discover that I am a giant, the gods had to get to get Thor to crush my skull with that damn hammer. WTF Thor, that was rasist man.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Hero's Journey - The Doctor

I'm the Doctor. I'm a Time Lord. I'm from the planet Gallifrey in the constellation of Kasterborous. I'm 903 years old, and I'm the man who's gonna save your lives and all six billion people on the planet below. You got a problem with that?” - Tenth Doctor

Didn't anyone ever tell you? There's one thing you never put in a trap — if you're smart, if you value your continued existence, if you have any plans about seeing tomorrow — there's one thing you never — ever put in a trap. Me.” - Eleventh Doctor

Hello, Stonehenge! Who takes the Pandorica, takes the universe! But, bad news, everyone, 'cause guess who! Ha! Listen, you lot! You're all whizzing about. It's really very distracting. Could you all just stay still a minute, because I! Am! Talking!! Now the question of the hour is, 'Who's got the Pandorica?' Answer: I do. Next question: Who's coming to take it from me? Come on! Look at me! No plan, no back-up, no weapons worth a damn! Oh, and something else I don't have: Anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your silly little spaceships, with all your silly little guns, and you've got any plans on taking the Pandorica tonight, just remember who's standing in your way! Remember every black day I ever stopped you! And then, and then! Do the smart thing: Let somebody else try first.” - Eleventh Doctor


Monday, October 17, 2011


What is the nature of Hinduism?
The philosophy of Hinduism puts much emphasis on the environment. The Ramayana, along with other texts, describe the most early instructions for the preservation and balance of the environment. It teaches us to live in harmony with nature and to recognize the divinity in everything.

How old of a religion is it?
Hinduism was practiced over six thousand years ago and there is even some evidence to suggest that the religion of Hinduism dates back to pre historic times. It is also the oldest known spiritual religion on the planet and was around long before the recorded history of ancient India.

How many different Hindus are there in the world?
There are six main different types of Hinduism in the world. The first type is folf Hinduism and it is based on the local traditions of deities on a communal level and it dates back to the pre historic times. The second type is the Stauta Hinduism which is practiced by traditionalists called bramins. The third type is vedantic Hinduism which is based on a more philosophical approach. The forth type is the Yogic Hinduism, which everyone is familiar with the practices of yoga, this is probably the most widely known type. The fifth type is the Dharmic Hinduism, which his based on the concept of Karma, described below, and also on the norms of society such as the Hindu marriage customs, called Vivaha. The sixth and final type of Hinduism is the Bhakti which is devotionalist practices.

Where do they live?
There are more than nine hundred million people who follow the Hinduism religion. Eighty percent of the Indian population identify as Hindus, so most of them live in India but with nine hundred hundred million followers, Hindus live all over the world.

What are their basic beliefs?
Hindus believe in the eternal soul and worship many different gods. They believe in karma and that it is the cycle of life. According to Hinduism, Brahman created everything and the different types of Hinduism worship different deities. Three of the most well known Gods of Hinduism include: Vishnu the preserver, Shiva the destroyer, and the Mother Goddess.

The True Meeting of Gilgamesh and Enkidu

Gilgamesh is in a struggle with a cute young blonde girl, he is attempting to have his way with her and she is trying to get away.

GILGAMESH: Stop fighting me and take it woman!


GILGAMESH: Well I do not care! I am strong and beautiful and I want you so I will have you!

BLONDE GIRL: R – A – P – E, get your hands away from me! Don't rape me!

GILGAMESH: Too bad tiny female!

BLONDE GIRL: Fine, just make it quick.

Enter Enkidu and Harlot.

ENKIDU: Sup my bitches! (points to harlot) Yea, that's right. I tapped that.

HARLOT: It's true, he did. (winks)

Enkidu and Harlot notice Gilgamesh raping the blonde girl, and the blonde girl appeared to be enjoying it more than she thought.

HARLOT: What's this? A young hottie is getting plowed against her will by such a handsome man. That should be me! I object!

ENKIDU: Hey Gilgamesh! Do not have sex with that girl!

GILGAMESH: Why should I not? It is my divine right to have my way with this woman, and any woman because I am beautiful and perfect and better than everyone and beautiful and . . . stuff!

ENKIDU: I am just as beautiful and strong and perfect as you and I just had sex with this uber hot girl for, like, a week straight – and she liked it. (Spanks Harlot).

GILGAMESH: Oh yea, well I have made it with every woman in this town! Every virgin, every wife, every husband, every pet! And even your Harlot there, several times! So what now?

ENKIDU: What now? Now we shall fight. (slaps Gilgamesh)

GILGAMESH: Oh no you did not! Now I have to get all up in your kool-aid!

Gilgamesh and Enkidu engage in an epic slap fight.

ENKIDU: You are a formidable opponent!

GILGAMESH: And you fight with the strength of one thousand faeries! Did we just fall in love?

ENKIDU: Yes, yes we did.

GILGAMESH: I am strangely okay with this.

ENKIDU: As am I.

GILGAMESH: Let us go frolic in the meadow, pick daisies, and make love for many moons!

ENKIDU: I would enjoy that greatly!

GILGAMESH: Come Enkidu, come Harlots, let the four of us hold hands and skip merrily to the meadow and have lots of sex.

BLONDE GIRL AND HARLOT: (throws arms in the air) Yay!!

Gilgamesh, Enkidu, Harlot, and the Blonde Girl all hold hands and skip off happily into the sunset.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Hero's Journey - Ash Ketchum

I want to be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause. I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. Each Pokémon to understand, the power that's inside. Pokémon, gotta catch em all. It's you and me. I know it's my destiny. Pokémon. Oh, you're my best friend, in a world we must defend. Pokémon, gotta catch em all. Our hearts so true. Our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you. Pokémon, gotta catch em all. Every challenge along the way, with courage I will face. I will battle everyday, to claim my rightful place. Come with me, the time is right. There's no better team. Arm and arm, we'll win the fight. Its always been our dream.”

Ash Ketchum is a kind-heart, rash, and stubborn Pokémon trainer who wants nothing more than to be the world's greatest Pokémon master. Ash comes from the town of Pallet where he lives with his mother. His quest began when he turned ten years old but he broke his alarm clock in his sleep and woke up late. In a panic, Ash ran, still in his pajamas, straight to Professor Oak's Laboratory to get his first Pokémon. In Pallet Town, new trainers have the choice of three starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. When Ash got to the Lab, he ran into his rival, Gary, who has already gotten his first Pokémon and didn't mind rubbing it in Ash's face. They argue and then Gary sets out on his Pokémon adventure. Professor Oak is also outside and tells Ash he is late, then brings him into the Lab. Unfortunately, all the Pokémon were already taken by other trainers. The only Pokémon left was a Pikachu, but it and Ash didn't get along at first. Pikachu shocked him repeatedly and refused to stay in its Pokéball so Ash left Pallet Town, literally, dragging Pikachu along with him, tied to a rope.

The first Pokémon Ash tried to catch was a Pidgey, a great start for new trainers...that is, new trainers whose Pokémon actually listen to them. First, Ash just threw a Pokéball at the wild Pidgey but that proved fruitless so he ordered Pikachu to attack but instead it chose to run up a tree and sit on a branch. Still determined to catch his first Pokémon, Ash took off his shirt to attempt to use it as a net. This plan also failed and the wild Pidgey got away. When he saw another bird Pokémon in the distance, thinking it was another Pidgey, he started this time by throwing a rock at it. The Pokémon turned out to not be a Pidgey but a Spearow, and Spearow have short tempers. The angry bird attacked Ash, and as Pikachu watched this from up in its tree, the little mouse Pokémon laughed at its foolish trainer. But the Spearow thought Pikachu was laughing at it so it attacked the yellow mouse as well. Pikachu shocked the bird, which made it even angrier and soon, Ash and Pikachu were under attack from all of the Spearow's friends. Pikachu was taking the most damage from the assault and, realizing how much the Spearow was hurting his new Pokémon, Ash cradled Pikachu in his arms and ran away as fast as he could, with the flock of Spearow in close pursuit. He ran to the edge of a cliff, with nowhere else to go, Ash jump down the cliff into the lake below, holding tight to Pikachu. Ash swam to the shore where a red haired girl was fishing. She had a bike parked along side the road and without stopping to introduce himself to her, he ran up to her bike, placed Pikachu in the basket, and rode off as he told her he'd bring the bike back to her one day. As he quickly rode to the nearest town, it began pouring rain, which made the dirt rode all muddy, causing him to whip out. As countless Spearow approached, Ash, tired and injured from the recent events, stood up against the enraged birds and help out his arms to protect Pikachu. As Pikachu laid in the mud, it watched as Ash stood up to the birds to protect it. Grateful for this, Pikachu slowly got up and jumped onto Ash and into the air and used a powerful electric attack, which was amplified by all the rain causing twice as much damage resulting in the Spearow's defeat and the destruction of the red haired girl's bike. Ash picked up Pikachu and carried it the rest of the way to Viridian City, both were weak and tired but also happy as their life long friendship was only just beginning.

Reality can really burn you out.” - Ash Ketchum
Ash was able to get Pikachu to the Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy was able to heal it. While he was waiting for Pikachu to heal, the red hair girl he borrowed the bike from stormed through the doors of the hospital in a fit of rage, holding her destroyed bike over her head. Ash explained the situation to her and she felt bad for his Pikachu but made it perfectly clear that he owed her a new bike, a debt that she would be reminding him of for years to come. She told him that her name was Misty and that she wanted to be the world's greatest water Pokémon master. The Pokémon Center is then attacked by a trio of villains known as Team Rocket: Jessie, James, and a talking Pokémon called Meowth. They attempted to steal all the Pokémon being treated at the center but were stopped by Ash and his Pikachu and, realizing how powerful his Pikachu was, Team Rocket promised themselves that they would one day capture it.

After Pikachu, and Ash, were fully recovered from the rough series of events they just endured, they set off, back on their quest, with Misty accompanying them. They traveled through the Viridian Forest where they came across a Caterpie. Again, instead of battling it first, Ash threw eagerly threw his Pokéball at it. This time, however, he captured his first Pokémon (despite it being entirely by luck). While in the forest, Ash also came across a wild Pidgeotto, which Ash foolishly decided to battle with his Caterpie, not realizing that his bug type was at a huge disadvantage to the wild bird type. After Caterpie was nearly demolished, Ash withdrew it and sent Pikachu out in its place. After a short battle, Ash captured his second Pokémon, and this time he did it the proper way. He also ran into Team Rocket again a few times in the forest and defeated them each time. Also before they left the forest, his Caterpie evolved into Metapod and then into Butterfree.

Arriving in Pewter City with Misty and his three Pokémon, Ash learned about the Pokémon League competition and for trainers to enter in it, they needed to earn eight badges from different gyms throughout Kanto. After discovering that there was a gym in Pewter City, he hurried over there, after refusing to accept Misty's help in his first official Pokémon battle. At the gym, he met Brock, the gym leader who specialized in rock type Pokémon (which put all of Ash's Pokémon at a disadvantage) and suffered a humiliating defeat to his Onix. Refusing to leave until he defeated Brock, Ash found a way to super charge Pikachu's electric attacks and returned to the gym for a rematch. Pikachu still wasn't powerful enough to defeat Onix but during the battle, the field caught fire from all of Pikachu's stray electricity causing the gym's sprinkler system to go off which weakened Onix to the point where Ash would have beaten it. But Ash refused to continue the battle, much to everyone's surprise, since it wouldn't feel like a real victory to him. Later, as he and Pikachu were leaving Pewter City, Brock caught up to them and offered him the gym badge, saying that he should have been the won to win anyway. Ash accepted the badge and he and Brock became friends and he joined the hero on his journey with Misty and Pikachu.

As they traveled to each of the gyms, Ash was able to earn each of the badges. Unfortunately, he actually lost each of the gym battles the first time he attempted and was only given the badges when he saved the gym from Team Rocket. He was also able to capture a few more Pokémon including a Charizard (that won't obey him), Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Krabby, Muk, and thirty Tauros. He made it into the Pokémon League and placed in the top 16.


For a short Bio on Ash and his Pokemon:

The Hero's Journey - Dexter Morgan

I love Halloween. The one time of year when everyone wears a mask... not just me. People think it's fun to pretend you're a monster. Me, I spend my life pretending I'm not. Brother, friend, boyfriend - All part of my costume collection. Some people might call me a fraud. Let's see if it will fit. I prefer to think of myself as a master of disguise.” - Dexter Morgan

A forensic blood splatter analyst at the Miami-Metro Police Department by day, serial killer who kills other murderers by night. Dexter only kills people that have escaped the justice system and fit a code of ethics that his adoptive father made for him to keep Dexter off of death row. This 'Code of Harry' only allows Dexter to kill someone after he has found evidence that they are guilty and more importantly, to never get caught.

With the solve rate for murders at about twenty percent, Miami is a great place for me. A great place for me to hone my craft. Viva Miami.” - Dexter Morgan

Dexter lives in Miami with his sister Debra, who is a Detective at the same Police Station, and his one year old son Harrison. His wife Rita was murdered by The Trinity Killer, another serial killer who Dexter thought he could learn from. Dexter also has two step children from his marriage, Aster and Cody, who live with their grandparents now after their mother's death. Dexter originally thought that he couldn't feel emotions like everyone else but he would do whatever it takes to protect Harrison, Aster, and Cody.

She's the only person in the world who loves me. I think that's nice. I don't have feeling about anything, but if I could have feelings at all, I'd have them for Deb.” - Dexter Morgan
Dexter was born in 1969 to Laura Moser, who was a police informant to, and secret lover of, Harry Morgan, Dexter's adoptive father. On October 3, 1973, Dexter, and his older brother Brian, were witnesses to their mother's murder by a trio of drug dealers. The men left Dexter and Brian locked in the shipping crate alone where the murder took place with their mother's body and a pool of blood. Dexter often refers to this as him being “born in blood.” They stayed there for two days until Harry, a cop, and other police officers found them. Harry carried Dexter out and adopted him, Dexter was still young and was able to repress the memories of his life before his adoption but the psychological damage was already done. Harry discovered that Dexter was killing pets neighborhood pets at the age of seven. Realizing that Dexter is a sociopath, Harry decides to teach him a code of ethics in order to keep Dexter safe and out of jail. Harry teaches him to only kill people who deserve to die, murderers that have been set free or that have eluded the police.

Harry was a great cop here in Miami. He taught me how to think like one; he taught me how to cover my tracks. I'm a very neat monster.” - Dexter Morgan

Dexter's code keeps him from getting caught and only allows him to kill someone who deserves it. In order to find out if they deserve it or not, Dexter looks for evidence like blood, the truth is always in the blood. He also meets his potential victim beforehand to see if they are likely to kill again and when he is sure they are, he ritualistically prepares a kill room. The location of the kill room is different for each victim, it is somewhere secluded and symbolic to who his victim is (such as killing a truck driver in his truck). Once the kill room is selected, it is covered in plastic so it will catch all the blood so there won't be any evidence left. Dexter puts up evidence and photos of the killers victims so they can see why they are going to die. In order to get the victim to the kill room, Dexter stalks them until they are alone and then sneaks up on them from behind and injects them with a tranquilizer called M99, which knocks them out for several hours. When the victims wake up, they are trapped in the kill room, naked and secured to a table with plastic wrap, or duct tape in some cases, in the center of the room. Dexter collects 'trophies' from each of his victims, he slices the victim's right cheek and collects a blood sample. Dexter keeps a box of blood slide hidden in the air conditioner of his condo. He talks to his victims before he kills them, explaining why they are going to die and usually gets them to confess, then he uses a knife to stab them in the heart, but in some cases he may use a different method depending on its symbolic relevance. Dexter then dismembers the bodies and wraps each part in plastic and places them into biodegradable garbage bags filled with rocks. He then goes out on his boat, the Slice of Life, and dumps the bodies into the bay. Dexter does all of this alone, but is assisted by a fantasy of his dead adoptive father, Harry, who gives him advice and encouragement throughout all areas of Dexter's life.

Dexter and his fantisized father

In 2006, Dexter was already working at the Miami-Metro Police Department as a forensic blood splatter analyst and is in a superficial relationship with Rita, who has two children – Astor and Cody. There is also a new murderer in Miami, The Ice Truck Killer, who's victims were all prostitutes and drained of their blood. They all wonder what the Killer is doing with the blood and it eventually turns up in a motel room, the blood of all the Ice Truck Killer's victims all over the room, and it triggers long repressed memories for Dexter and he recalls that he witnessed his mother's murder, and that he also had a brother, Brian... The Ice Truck Killer, the man who has is engaged to Dexter's adoptive sister. Brian abducts Debra and lures Dexter to their childhood home and attempts to persuade Dexter to kill her ao that he could be free from his old life and be with his real brother, someone who is exactly life him and knows who he really is. Dexter rejects his brother's offer, sets Deb free (she was unconscious so she didn't see what went down), and in order to stop Rudy from killing anyone else, Dexter slits his brother's throat and leaves him for Miami-Metro to find, and they write it off as suicide.
Dexter and his biological brother, Brian

When the bodies of over thirty victim are found in a harbor in Miami, Miami-Metro decides that there is a new serial killer reeking havoc in Miami, The Bay Harbor Butcher, better known to them as Dexter Morgan. And if that isn't enough for him to worry about, Sergeant James Doakes, a detective at Miami-Metro, suspects that there is something not right about Dexter. Therefore, Dexter must keep a low profile in order to keep off the police's radar. Also, Rita suspects that the reason Dexter is always out late is because he is a drug addict, and so he can keep the truth, that he is a serial killer, from her, he allows her to believe that he is and he begins going to drug rehabilitation meetings. He meets a woman named Lila who becomes his sponsor and she helps Dexter learn more about his addiction, not to drugs but to killing. Dexter learns that he doesn't need to kill, but he wants to. As all this is happening, Miami-Metro, with the help of an FBI serial hunting expert, and getting ever closer to finding out who the Bay Harbor Butcher is and found that he has a law enforcement background and Doakes, going rogue after being suspended, has discovered the truth about Dexter and attempts to bring him in. But Dexter has plans of his own, he intends to plant evidence so that Doakes is found to be The Butcher instead, and has Doakes locked away in a cage. Lila also learns the truth about Dexter and she finds where Dexter has locked up Doakes. She then blows up the building, killing Doakes in the process, in order to protect Dexter. Miami-Metro finds the body of Doakes, who they believe to be the Bay Harbor Butcher. When Dexter refuses to run away with her, Lila kidnaps Rita's children, Astor and Cody. Dexter finds them and Lila locks them in her flat and sets it on fire but Dexter is able to get the kids and himself out in time. Lila then flees to Paris, France but Dexter finds her and kills her.

Dexter and Lila

When Rita tells Dexter that she is pregnant, Dexter considers leaving her since he doesn't think that he would make a good father What kind of dad would a serial killer make? Debra convinces that he would make a great father and so Dexter decides to stay with his girlfriend and even proposes to her, although it takes a few attempts before she finally agrees. After killing a man in self defense, who turns out to be the assistant district attorney Miguel Prado's brother, Dexter helps Miguel coop through his loss since he feels bad for killing someone who doesn't fit his code. Also, Dexter notices a man talking to Astor at the super market and them sees him again, taking pictures, while they are at the beach. A quick scan of his license plates reveals who this man is and Dexter uncovers that this man is pedophile and Astor is is next target. Although pedophiles don't fit The Code of Harry, Dexter kills him anyway in order to protect Astor. Furthermore, an old friend of Harry's and of Dexter's, Camilla Figg, is in the hospital and she asks Dexter to pull the plug on her in order to save her from the pains of her terminal cancer. But when Miguel comes across Dexter right after he kills a drug dealer named Freebo, he learns Dexter's secret and promises that he won't reveal it. They become friends as Dexter begins to teach Miguel the code and also asks him to be the best man at his wedding, which Miguel accepts. However, the two of them participate in a power struggle and Miguel kills a woman who doesn't fit Dexter's code so now Dexter has to kill Miguel now that his darkness has been unleashed. With Debra as Dexter's new best man, he and Rita are married.

Tired from his responsibilities as husband and father, and his son Harrison having been born, Dexter has not killed anyone in months and due to conflicts with Rita, they have started couples therapy. Frank Lundy, the FBI serial killer hunter from two years ago, returns to Miami in pursuit of a serial killer who has been eluding the authorities for thirty years, The Trinity Killer. Trinity kills in threes, hence his name, starting with a young woman bleeding out in a bathtub, then an older woman jumping off a tall building, and ending with a man being bludgeoned to death. Later it is discovered a young boy has disappeared in each of the cities Trinity has been to and the missing boy is what starts the string of murders, making four victims a year for thirty years. Which totals to one-hundred-twenty victims, making Trinity the most successful serial killer to have gotten away with it since no one has found the evidence to link the four people. After Lundy if shot and killed, Dexter continues the pursuit of Trinity and eventually discovers his identity. To Dexter's surprise, Trinity (Arthur Mitchell) is a well respected man with a wife and two teenagers. Dexter takes up the false name of Kyle Butler and introduces himself to Arthur and befriends his rival serial killer in hopes of learning how he is able to handle being both a family man and a serial killer. Being so close to Trinity, Dexter has had several opportunities to kill Arthur but keeps postponing it, thinking he can still learn more from him. To that end, he learns that Arthur's family isn't has happy as they pretend to be and they are actually terrified of him. Not wanting his relationship with his family to end up like Trinity's, Dexter plans a belated honeymoon for him, Rita and Harrison, while Astor and Cody are staying with Rita's parents. Rita left for the honeymoon on an earlier flight at Dexter's encouragement, telling her he had some work he had to finish up and would meet her there. With Miami-Metro getting ever closer to finding Trinity, Dexter catches Arthur as he attempt to skip town and finally kills him. As Dexter returns home from dumping Arthur's body in the bay, he finds Harrison sitting on the bathroom floor in a pool of his mother's blood, Rita having bleed out in the bathtub as Trinity's one-hundred-twenty-first victim. Dexter blames himself for Rita's death and fears that Harrison will turn out like him, having both been 'born in blood.'

Arthur Mitchell (Trinity) and Dexter Morgan
Husbands, Fathers, Serial Killers

Dexter walking in on Harrison sitting in his mother's blood

 “Harry was right. I thought I could change what I am, keep my family safe. But it doesn't matter what I do, what I choose... I'm what's wrong. This is... fate” - Dexter Morgan

The FBI has taken over the Trinity case, and Dexter appears to be a suspect for Rita's murder. Dexter comes across a rude hillbilly man at a boat shed and kills him when he loses control and let's out his rage from Rita's death. The FBI clears Dexter of suspicion but Quinn, Debra's partner at Miami-Metro, still feels that Dexter is somehow involved in the Trinity case and suspects that Dexter is Kyle Butler. With Rita's death, Astor and Cody go to live with their grandparents and Dexter hires a nanny to look after Harrison so he can attempt to fall back into his old routine. He targets Boyd Fowler, who is connected to a series of missing women and is a known sex offender. After killing Boyd, Dexter discovers a young woman, Lumen Pierce, Boyd's current rape victim, saw what he did. Dexter takes her somewhere safe and tends to her wounds but doesn't know what he is going to do with her since she is a witness. He can not let her go since she saw what he did and he can't just kill her since she doesn't fit the code. Lumen is afraid of Dexter at first, thinking that he is going to kill her too, but, slowly, she comes to trust him and she reveals that Boyd wasn't the only man who raped her. She asks Dexter for help in finding and killing these men but he refuses and tells her that she would be better off just going home to her family. Thinking that she got on a plane home, Dexter receives a call from Lumen asking for his help in disposing a body. She found and lured one of the other men, a children's dentist named Dan, to a harbor and shot him thinking he was dead. When Dexter arrives, Lumen is outside waiting for him and she takes him to the scene of the crime but Dan the dentist is gone, not actually being dead he struggled away and hid. Dexter found him but refused to kill him without any proof. The two of them overheard Dan make a phone call, while they were in another room, to his other accomplices, hearing him say, “that last fucking bitch is still alive.” With this being all the evidence of Dan's guilt that dexter needed, he snapped his neck right there.

Dexter and Lumen

Dexter then agrees to help Lumen track down the rest of The Group and the find a photo of five young boys, Boyd and Dan are in it and the other three are the rest of The Group and this shows that they have known each other since childhood. They discover that the third boy is Cole Harmon, the security guard for famous motivational speaker Jordan Chase. Dexter allows Lumen to help him prepare the kill room and kills Cole in front of her. As they leave the hotel where they killed Cole, Dexter runs into Jordan and he tells Dexter something that inadvertently proves he is a part of The Group, “tick tick tick, that's the sound of your life running out,” which is what one of the men often said to Lumen during her captivity. Not known to Dexter, Quinn has hired an ex cop, Stan Liddy, to spy on Dexter and find out what he's up to and Liddy has bugged Dexter's condo and obtained photo's of Dexter and Lumen dumping a body into the bay. After getting close to Jordan Chase, Dexter finds a necklace with a vial of blood in it. He secretly takes a sample of it and finds that it belongs to a woman named Emily, who was the first rape victim of The Group and that she is actually still alive unlike the twelve girls after her. They visit her but she wasn't willing to help them. Dexter and Lumen continue to work on finding the people in the photo and learn the identity of boy number four and after abducting him, Dexter allows Lumen to make her first kill. And after they dump his body into the bay, the two of them begin a sexual relationship. As Dexter prepares Lumen to kill Jordan Chase, he discovers that his place is bugged and that someone has been watching them. Dexter locates the surveillance van but no one is inside and Liddy sneaks up on him with a taser. Liddy takes Dexter to an isolated location by the harbor and Dexter ends up killing him in self defense in an attempt to escape. While Dexter was in this situation, Lumen received a call from Emily saying she had a change of heart so Lumen went to see her but it was actually a trap set up by Jordan Chase, the last living member of The Group. When Dexter receives a call from Jordan and learns that Lumen is gone, he finds a property that Jordan owns under a different name, an abandoned summer camp where the rapes first began. Dexter goes there and finds Jordan with Lumen, after a struggle, Dexter is able to knock Jordan out. Shortly after he wakes up, Lumen confronts the ringleader of her rapes, finally in a position of power over him and she stabs him through the heart, killing him, with Dexter's approval. The following day, Lumen tells Dexter that she no longer feels the need to kill since all of her attackers are now dead, and that she is finally returning home to her family. Dexter is upset about this but knows that this is best for her. With the lose of someone that he became so close with, Dexter is still not alone despite how he might feel. He still has his son, Harrison, and his sister, Debra and his step-kids, Astor and Cody.

Lumen said I gave her her life back... a reversal of my usual role. Well the fact is, she gave me mine back too. And I'm left not with what she took from me, but with what she brought. Eyes that saw me, finally, for who I really am. And a certainty that nothing... nothing is set in stone. Not even darkness. While she was here, she made me think for the briefest moment I might even have a chance to be human. But wishes, of course, are for children.” - Dexter Morgan

The Hero's Journey - Phoebe Halliwell

Phoebe was born on November 2nd 1975 and is the Middle sister of the Charmed Ones, with her older sister Piper Halliwell and their younger half sister Paige Matthews. She also had an older sister named Prue, who was killed by a demon. The Charmed Ones are three of the most powerful witches in the Halliwell line and Phoebe's powers include premonitions, levitation, empathy, and pathokinesis. She has found other jobs,aside from fighting Demons, as an advice columnist, reporter, and author but she always puts her family first above all else. She eventually married a Cupid named Coop and they had three children, all girls.

Wow. Is it getting hot in here or is it just me?” - Phoebe Halliwell

Phoebe and her sisters, Prue and Piper, were raised by their grandmother who bound the sister's magic and erased all their magical related memories in order to keep them safe. They grew up without their powers, not knowing that they were really witches until 1998 when Phoebe returned to San Francisco to the house she grew up in where her sisters lived now. That night while playing with a spirit board, the word 'attic' was spelled out on its own. She went up there to investigate and she found the Book of Shadows, their family's magic book and she read a spell from it, not knowing that it would unlock the powers of her and her sisters.

Phoebe and The Book of Shadows

Her first premonition was of two teenagers getting hit by a car and was able to prevent it from happening. Phoebe embraced her powers happily and encouraged her sisters to as well. Her relationship with her sisters was a rocky one but after they were reunited and had their powers returned, she became closer with them. Coming into the magic also help Phoebe become more of a responsible adult and she even went back to college and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. She met and fell in love with Cole Turner, a half demon called Belthazor, who was sent to kill Phoebe and her sisters. Cole also fell in love with her and instead of killing her, he protected her from the Triad, the powerful demons who hired him. The death of her sister Prue was devastating for her, since the two had become a lot closer over the last three years. Prue's death also broke the Power of Three until Phoebe and Piper discovered that they had a half sister named Paige Matthews, the daughter of their mother and her Whitelighter.

The Charmed Ones
Piper Halliwell, Phoebe Halliwell, and Paige Matthews
She has had a difficult relationship with Cole. First he was a half demon and then she stripped him of his powers, making him a regular human. Phoebe did not know that Cole had found a way to not only regain his powers, but also become The Source of All Evil in the process. Eventually, the two of them got married but Cole sabotaged the wedding into a dark wedding and Phoebe became the Queen of the Underworld, the place where the demon's dwell. Phoebe tried being both evil, as Queen of the Underworld, and good, as a Charmed One. She wasn't able to do it and, with the help of her sisters, she vanquished her husband. He isn't gone for long and soon comes back to attempt to regain Phoebe's love and falls. He is more powerful now and nearly indestructible but the Charmed Ones eventually found a way to destroy Cole once and for all.

Nothin' perks up a girl's career like sending her ex-husband straight to hell.” - Phoebe Halliwell

In the sister's seventh year of fighting demons, they battled a demon named Zankou who attempted to harness the power of the Nexus to destroy the witches. In defeating him, they faked their own deaths in the hopes that they could retire from their magical destinies and lead normal lives. Phoebe used a spell to change their appearance to anyone, mortal or demon, that saw them. Phoebe and her sisters soon learned that this was a mistake and reverted back to their 'normal' lives.

I am not nuts. Okay, maybe just a little, but that's irrelevant here.” - Phoebe Halliwell

Phoebe decided to move out of the manor where her sisters lived and get her own apartment, not long after that, The Elders sent Coop, a cupid, to her in order to help Phoebe find true love as a reward for all she has down in the battle against evil. Slowly, however, Coop and Phoebe fell in love with each other but both thought that their love for each other was forbidden. As fate had it, The Elders actually sent Coop to Phoebe hoping that they would fall in love, so it turned out that their love wasn't forbidden. They got married and on their honeymoon, Phoebe got pregnat with their first baby, whom they named Prudence Johnna Halliwell, after her sister Prue, who was killed years earlier.

Phoebe with her husband Coop and their daughter, P.J.
“I'm not afraid of our powers. I mean, everyone inherits something from their family, right? Yeah, money, antiques, a strong disposition. That's what normal people inherit.” - Phoebe Halliwell