Monday, October 17, 2011


What is the nature of Hinduism?
The philosophy of Hinduism puts much emphasis on the environment. The Ramayana, along with other texts, describe the most early instructions for the preservation and balance of the environment. It teaches us to live in harmony with nature and to recognize the divinity in everything.

How old of a religion is it?
Hinduism was practiced over six thousand years ago and there is even some evidence to suggest that the religion of Hinduism dates back to pre historic times. It is also the oldest known spiritual religion on the planet and was around long before the recorded history of ancient India.

How many different Hindus are there in the world?
There are six main different types of Hinduism in the world. The first type is folf Hinduism and it is based on the local traditions of deities on a communal level and it dates back to the pre historic times. The second type is the Stauta Hinduism which is practiced by traditionalists called bramins. The third type is vedantic Hinduism which is based on a more philosophical approach. The forth type is the Yogic Hinduism, which everyone is familiar with the practices of yoga, this is probably the most widely known type. The fifth type is the Dharmic Hinduism, which his based on the concept of Karma, described below, and also on the norms of society such as the Hindu marriage customs, called Vivaha. The sixth and final type of Hinduism is the Bhakti which is devotionalist practices.

Where do they live?
There are more than nine hundred million people who follow the Hinduism religion. Eighty percent of the Indian population identify as Hindus, so most of them live in India but with nine hundred hundred million followers, Hindus live all over the world.

What are their basic beliefs?
Hindus believe in the eternal soul and worship many different gods. They believe in karma and that it is the cycle of life. According to Hinduism, Brahman created everything and the different types of Hinduism worship different deities. Three of the most well known Gods of Hinduism include: Vishnu the preserver, Shiva the destroyer, and the Mother Goddess.


  1. Yeah yours is way better than mine, even though you copied me so i have no idea how that one worked out, i hope i can finally post this!
