Friday, September 9, 2011


I have built mechanical golden women who are capable of thought and speech. My three legged stools in my volcanic lair are able to run on their own. For the great warrior, Achilles, I have forged his fateful armor. I have made palaces and weapons for the gods. I was cast out of heaven twice. I am the god of fire and my wife is the most beautiful woman of all.

My mother, Hera, once attempted to destroy my half brother, Hercules, using a storm. She put her husband, Zeus, to sleep but he awoke and was so enraged with my mother that he hung her by shackles from Mt Olympus. Despite my mother's disdain of my appearance, I attempted to free her. However, when Zeus found me, he threw me out of heaven. That was the second time this had happened to me. First my mother threw me out when I was born and now the king of the gods had cast me out. I think I'm starting to see a pattern here. I fell for an entire day before I landed on Earth on the island of Lemnos. My wounds were severe but that was nothing when compared to how damaged my pride was. Sintian men on the island helped me in my recovery.

For more stories on Hepaestus and other gods:

1 comment:

  1. This is very well written. From reading this I could really understand what you were talking about and get a visual idea about Hephaestus and correlate the story with the pictures. :)
