Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Hero's Journey - Ash Ketchum

I want to be the very best, like no one ever was. To catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause. I will travel across the land, searching far and wide. Each Pokémon to understand, the power that's inside. Pokémon, gotta catch em all. It's you and me. I know it's my destiny. Pokémon. Oh, you're my best friend, in a world we must defend. Pokémon, gotta catch em all. Our hearts so true. Our courage will pull us through. You teach me and I'll teach you. Pokémon, gotta catch em all. Every challenge along the way, with courage I will face. I will battle everyday, to claim my rightful place. Come with me, the time is right. There's no better team. Arm and arm, we'll win the fight. Its always been our dream.”

Ash Ketchum is a kind-heart, rash, and stubborn Pokémon trainer who wants nothing more than to be the world's greatest Pokémon master. Ash comes from the town of Pallet where he lives with his mother. His quest began when he turned ten years old but he broke his alarm clock in his sleep and woke up late. In a panic, Ash ran, still in his pajamas, straight to Professor Oak's Laboratory to get his first Pokémon. In Pallet Town, new trainers have the choice of three starter Pokémon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle. When Ash got to the Lab, he ran into his rival, Gary, who has already gotten his first Pokémon and didn't mind rubbing it in Ash's face. They argue and then Gary sets out on his Pokémon adventure. Professor Oak is also outside and tells Ash he is late, then brings him into the Lab. Unfortunately, all the Pokémon were already taken by other trainers. The only Pokémon left was a Pikachu, but it and Ash didn't get along at first. Pikachu shocked him repeatedly and refused to stay in its Pokéball so Ash left Pallet Town, literally, dragging Pikachu along with him, tied to a rope.

The first Pokémon Ash tried to catch was a Pidgey, a great start for new trainers...that is, new trainers whose Pokémon actually listen to them. First, Ash just threw a Pokéball at the wild Pidgey but that proved fruitless so he ordered Pikachu to attack but instead it chose to run up a tree and sit on a branch. Still determined to catch his first Pokémon, Ash took off his shirt to attempt to use it as a net. This plan also failed and the wild Pidgey got away. When he saw another bird Pokémon in the distance, thinking it was another Pidgey, he started this time by throwing a rock at it. The Pokémon turned out to not be a Pidgey but a Spearow, and Spearow have short tempers. The angry bird attacked Ash, and as Pikachu watched this from up in its tree, the little mouse Pokémon laughed at its foolish trainer. But the Spearow thought Pikachu was laughing at it so it attacked the yellow mouse as well. Pikachu shocked the bird, which made it even angrier and soon, Ash and Pikachu were under attack from all of the Spearow's friends. Pikachu was taking the most damage from the assault and, realizing how much the Spearow was hurting his new Pokémon, Ash cradled Pikachu in his arms and ran away as fast as he could, with the flock of Spearow in close pursuit. He ran to the edge of a cliff, with nowhere else to go, Ash jump down the cliff into the lake below, holding tight to Pikachu. Ash swam to the shore where a red haired girl was fishing. She had a bike parked along side the road and without stopping to introduce himself to her, he ran up to her bike, placed Pikachu in the basket, and rode off as he told her he'd bring the bike back to her one day. As he quickly rode to the nearest town, it began pouring rain, which made the dirt rode all muddy, causing him to whip out. As countless Spearow approached, Ash, tired and injured from the recent events, stood up against the enraged birds and help out his arms to protect Pikachu. As Pikachu laid in the mud, it watched as Ash stood up to the birds to protect it. Grateful for this, Pikachu slowly got up and jumped onto Ash and into the air and used a powerful electric attack, which was amplified by all the rain causing twice as much damage resulting in the Spearow's defeat and the destruction of the red haired girl's bike. Ash picked up Pikachu and carried it the rest of the way to Viridian City, both were weak and tired but also happy as their life long friendship was only just beginning.

Reality can really burn you out.” - Ash Ketchum
Ash was able to get Pikachu to the Pokémon Center where Nurse Joy was able to heal it. While he was waiting for Pikachu to heal, the red hair girl he borrowed the bike from stormed through the doors of the hospital in a fit of rage, holding her destroyed bike over her head. Ash explained the situation to her and she felt bad for his Pikachu but made it perfectly clear that he owed her a new bike, a debt that she would be reminding him of for years to come. She told him that her name was Misty and that she wanted to be the world's greatest water Pokémon master. The Pokémon Center is then attacked by a trio of villains known as Team Rocket: Jessie, James, and a talking Pokémon called Meowth. They attempted to steal all the Pokémon being treated at the center but were stopped by Ash and his Pikachu and, realizing how powerful his Pikachu was, Team Rocket promised themselves that they would one day capture it.

After Pikachu, and Ash, were fully recovered from the rough series of events they just endured, they set off, back on their quest, with Misty accompanying them. They traveled through the Viridian Forest where they came across a Caterpie. Again, instead of battling it first, Ash threw eagerly threw his Pokéball at it. This time, however, he captured his first Pokémon (despite it being entirely by luck). While in the forest, Ash also came across a wild Pidgeotto, which Ash foolishly decided to battle with his Caterpie, not realizing that his bug type was at a huge disadvantage to the wild bird type. After Caterpie was nearly demolished, Ash withdrew it and sent Pikachu out in its place. After a short battle, Ash captured his second Pokémon, and this time he did it the proper way. He also ran into Team Rocket again a few times in the forest and defeated them each time. Also before they left the forest, his Caterpie evolved into Metapod and then into Butterfree.

Arriving in Pewter City with Misty and his three Pokémon, Ash learned about the Pokémon League competition and for trainers to enter in it, they needed to earn eight badges from different gyms throughout Kanto. After discovering that there was a gym in Pewter City, he hurried over there, after refusing to accept Misty's help in his first official Pokémon battle. At the gym, he met Brock, the gym leader who specialized in rock type Pokémon (which put all of Ash's Pokémon at a disadvantage) and suffered a humiliating defeat to his Onix. Refusing to leave until he defeated Brock, Ash found a way to super charge Pikachu's electric attacks and returned to the gym for a rematch. Pikachu still wasn't powerful enough to defeat Onix but during the battle, the field caught fire from all of Pikachu's stray electricity causing the gym's sprinkler system to go off which weakened Onix to the point where Ash would have beaten it. But Ash refused to continue the battle, much to everyone's surprise, since it wouldn't feel like a real victory to him. Later, as he and Pikachu were leaving Pewter City, Brock caught up to them and offered him the gym badge, saying that he should have been the won to win anyway. Ash accepted the badge and he and Brock became friends and he joined the hero on his journey with Misty and Pikachu.

As they traveled to each of the gyms, Ash was able to earn each of the badges. Unfortunately, he actually lost each of the gym battles the first time he attempted and was only given the badges when he saved the gym from Team Rocket. He was also able to capture a few more Pokémon including a Charizard (that won't obey him), Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Krabby, Muk, and thirty Tauros. He made it into the Pokémon League and placed in the top 16.


For a short Bio on Ash and his Pokemon:

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