Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cindy and Argon

Chrisica is a magical land of Awesomeness. There are wizards and witches, dragons and unicorns, fairies and giants, and all sorts of amazing creatures. The land stretches one hundred miles wide and across and is divided into nine regions: there are the deserts of Egyis, the cold and icy north of Canadonia, the geometric land of shapes of Geomics, the crystal city of Avalonia is in the vast farmlands of Kanzus, the land where it is always raining in Unidopita, the musical land where everyone sings and dances what they feel of Broadopolisway, the Raiiwaii forest stretches from Kanzus to Milwatiy, there is the hotlands of fire and the biggest volcano in Chrisica, Vulouvious , is in Hadicote, and the ninth region is cut off from the rest by a magical barrier so that the people living inside can be safe from any evil creatures who wish to harm them, their land is called Disca. There are manyrives and lakes and streams but there are also five great lakes which are the biggest and have magical waters, they are: Kantis, Jhotin, Hohei, Shinoa, and Utiva and each is guarded by beasts that protect the lakes from harm.

In the land of Chrisica, in the region of Kanzus there lived an amazingly beautiful girl named Cindy with her parents. They were all happy together up until the time that Cindy's mother died. She was killed by a terrible sickness that was brought about by an evil wizard who was eventually killed for his crimes. Cindy was very sad and so was her father but he knew that his daughter needed a mother and so he soon after married a woman who herself had lost her husband to the same wizard's spell. Cindy's new step mother had two daughters of her own and they were all very pretty but also really bitchy and mean. The step sisters pulled horrible and mean pranks on Cindy. They used spells to turn her soup into spittle, they fed her unicorn to a wombat beast, and they beat her daily. They also sold all of Cindy's nice clothes and forced her to wear rags and made her do all the household chores. Worse still, Cindy's father was a pushover and did nothing to stop them and the stepmother not only allowed it but encouraged the meanness and more often then not she would join in on the beatings.

One night, while Cindy's father, step mother and, step sisters all slept quietly in their beds, Cindy ran out of the house as fast as she could and ran all night until morning when she found herself lost in Raiiwaii, the deepest and darkest forest in all of Chrisica. She hadn't paid much attention to where she was running and didn't know how to get out of the forest since the forest is always changing so she just picked a direction and started walking. She eventually heard noises that sounded as if something or someone was in pain and, being kind of heart, she followed the sound to see who or what was making it and to her surprise, Cindy found, chained to an enchanted tree with a magical chain, a dragon, with scales as red as blood and he was the size of a house and he was fierce and his wings were large and powerful.

Cindy asked the dragon: “Why are you chained to this tree, Dragon? Who did this to you?”

The Dragon replied: “I was locked here as punishment, I once belonged to an evil wizard who killed many people and the knights, since I was too powerful for them to destroy, had witches and wizards lock me away in this forest. But I do not deserve to be locked up for I was only the pet of my master and did as I was told.”

Cindy thought for a moment and then said to the Dragon: “If I were to find a way free you, Dragon, maybe then you could be my pet and my friend and people will see that you do not deserve to be looked away forever.”

This made the dragon fell slightly happier but he was then sad again and told Cindy: “As much as I would like that, these chains can only be broken by the tears of one who is without any sin.”

Cindy smiled and said: “I have been good and kind my whole life, just as I had promised my mother I would be, so perhaps if I cry on your chains then they will break and you will be free.” So Cindy went up to the chains and held them in her hands and began to cry, for she had a lot to cry about and as it would happen, the chains broke and the dragon was freed. The creature was so grateful that he picked up Cindy and put her on his back and flew her out of the forest and into the sky. The two became good friends and the dragon, whose name was Argon, took Cindy to the home of his old master since it was abandoned now and she had nowhere else to live.

Not long after, word was spreading that the King and Queen of the crystal city of Avalonia would be hosting a magnificent party and that all the residents of Kanzus were invited to go. All the young ladies of the land were especially excited because at this party, the handsome young prince would pick for himself a bride and marry her. Cindy wished more than anything to go to the party buy she had nothing appropriate to wear since all the clothes in the Wizard's house were for men.

Argon said to Cindy, who had begun to cry: “Don't waste your tears on this little problem, Mistress. For you are forgetting that this house was the home of a wizard. If you look through the library, I am certain that you will find at least one spell book that can fit your needs.” Cindy looked through the late wizard's library and surly enough she found one. She used a spell to turn her raggedy clothes into a beautiful ballgown with silver stilettos and jewelery and now she was ready to go to the King and Queen's party and Argon flew her there.

When Cindy arrived at the party, everyone was awed by her beauty but none more so than the Prince. He danced with her and only her and for all the night they danced until Cindy spotted her step relatives and, in fear that they would recognize her, she fled the party as fast as she could. The prince pursued her but was not fast enough to catch her. But in her haste, Cindy left behind one of her silver stilettos on the castle's steps. The Prince ordered that this stiletto be placed on the foot of every young woman in the land and that he would marry the girl whose foot fit the stiletto perfectly. Every woman tried on the stiletto but none fit it perfectly, they were all either too small or too big for the shoe.

When the Prince's search party arrived at the place where Cindy was staying, they tried the shoe on Cindy and it was a perfect match. They Prince's men took Cindy and Argon to the castle and he married her at once and the dragon was given special accommodations on the castle grounds. When the Step sisters realized that their new princess was actually Cindy, they hurried over to the palace to try to get into her good favor. Cindy remembered all the horrible things that they had done to her but was too kind of heart to have them beheaded so instead she married the stepsisters off to royal blood and gave them permanent employment at the palace. Cindy married the older step sister to the Prince's best hunting dog and the younger one to the King's fastest falcon, and she employed the younger step sister as the castle servant and the older stepsister as cleaner of the castle stables. The step mother was so upset over the decree Cindy made concerning her daughters that she jumped at Cindy with a knife while the princess was walking threw the castle garden with Argon. To save his friend's life, the dragon burned the step mother alive with his fire breathe and the Prince was so grateful that his wife's life was saved that he made Argon leader of Avalonia's army. And as for Cindy's father, he began taking classes from a tutor to help him become more assertive.


  1. This is great! It sounds like the outline for a novel! You have a good balance of humor and drama to really make this story work plus you've done a great job describing your mythological place. Wonderful. I'm going to follow you and I look forward to fun blog posts in the future!

  2. sounds like a plan. you better leave comments as proof ha
