Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Creation of the Christaverse and the First People of Earth

In the beginning, back before there was anything, there was nothing. The universe did not exist and there was no life anywhere. The whole of everything was just a vast light void of cosmic energy, that was called Lightinheim. Below that void was another void. This was a dark void of cosmic energy and it was called Darkenheim. These two voids of powerful cosmic energy began to move closer to each other and soon, the two voids clashed and there was a great explosion of cosmic energy as the two eternal voids collided. From this explosion, Swinloggin was born. Swinloggin was the first life in the universe and The Father of All That Is to everything that existed after him. His height exceeded anything conceivable and his skin was rough and dirty. His eyes gleamed red.

The Great Giant was lonely and decided to create three children to keep him company. Swinloggin used his mighty strength to create a son from Darkinheim. His skin was red, his hair was black and his teeth were yellow and he had a tail and horns made of steel. Swinloggin called him Rousifix and he was the embodiment of evil itself. Then Swinloggin used his mighty strength to create a daughter from Lightinheim. Her skin was light and pale and she had bright blonde hair and two gigantic white wings. Swinloggin called her Vasillisa and she was the embodiment of goodness itself. Finally, Swinloggin used his mighty strength to create another son from what remained of Lightinheim and Darkenheim. This son was neither good nor evil but the essence of both flowed through his blood. He had one black wing and his hair was as blonde as his sister's. Swinloggin called him Aeoplis. Vasillisa and Aeoplis were as beautiful as Swinloggin was ugly and Rousifix was almost as ugly as his father.

Swinloggin was proud of his creations and was very tired from all his work so he went down for a long rest. The evil Rousifix was not content in the empty void with his father and sister and brother. He was bored. While Swinloggin slept, The Bloody One took one of his steel horns and stabbed his father in the heart, killing the Great Giant. The Evil One skipped away, singing merrily about what he had done. Aeoplis and Vasillisa saw what their brother had done and they decided to put their father's body to use to honor Swinloggin's memory. Aeoplis plucked the darkest feather from his lone wing and it took the shape of the first sword and Aeoplis called it Exaeoplier. The One-Winged Man chopped up Swinloggin's body while his sister, The Angelic Maiden, used the bits to create the world. She tossed her father's body and spun it and it became the earth and ground. She gave it one more shake and the wrinkles formed mountains. Then she placed Swinloggin's arms and legs in the four corners of the world and named the right arm North Point, the left arm South Point, the right leg Way East, and the left leg Way West.
With the help of Aeoplis, Vasillisa was able to place the heavy head of Swinloggin upon the four pillars she had just set down and the skull of their father became the sky. They took his red eyes and took the light out of the left one and it became a frozen gray sphere. They put that light into the right eye and with twice as much light in it, the red eye burned a flaming hot yellow. They placed the gray eye and the yellow eye in the space above the world they created together and called the gray eye Moon and the yellow eye Sun. They pushed the eyes to roll around a set course around the world and bring about night and day. Aeoplis and Vasillisa named their creation Earth and thus became the Father and Mother of Earth and they called the Earth and everything that existed around it the Christaverse.

Only after the memorial was finished being built did Vasillisa finally weep for her father's death. She cried and cried and her tears fell to Earth and became the oceans and rivers and lakes. Her magic tears fertilized the land causing grass and trees and flowers and vegetation to grow from the dirt. Aeoplis wanted his sister to stop crying before she flooded the world. He went to Earth and made creatures for the world they had fashioned. The Father of Earth sculpted all kinds of bears and lions, birds and fish, cats and horses, boars and snakes, dogs and bees, unicorns and gryphons, and every other sort of animals for his sad sister but she continued to cry. He then sculpted dwarfs and elves, and centaurs and all kinds and colors of dragons. The dwarfs dug holes and built their homes underground and called their home Underdome. Deep in Underdome, the dwarfs have a stash of their greatest treasures and it is one of the most protected places on the Earth. The elves divided into two factions due to their constant arguing. The Light Elves headed to North Point to make their home in the cold and snow where they could live and build with their magic. They called their home Krimykus. The Dark Elves headed to the forests and built their homes in the trees and called their land Huntington. The centaurs and dragons made their homes in no specific lands, they preferred the freedom of the wide open space and slept in caves or on fields when the gray moon rose. All this pleased Vasillisa very much and she stopped crying. Knowing that the trees were Vasillisa's favorite, Aeoplis picked the smallest ash tree out of the Earth and stretched it until it was larger than the Earth itself. He gave it to Vasillisa as a gift. She liked that tree very much and it made her happy. The Mother of Earth named the great ash tree Piggkarichull.

The Angelic Maiden found comfort in The One-Winged Man and she bore him three eggs. The first creature that hatched out of the first egg was called Amphishelldryo and it was a monster with the form of a wingless dragon inside the shell of a turtle and had the mane of a lion. Vasillisa placed the ash tree, Piggkarichull, upon Amphishelldryo's strong shell and rested the world upon Piggkarichull's branches. The Turtle Dragon forever swims around the void of space that is the Christaverse while carrying the world around with it. The second egg hatched and from it emerged a giant cobra, so long was its length that it could circle the world twice and bite its own tail. Vasillisa called the cobra Slifferion and placed it in Piggkarichull, the only place big enough for the World Cobra to live. From the third egg hatched the king of the gods that would soon become. He emerged fully grown with a short white beard and white hair like the snow at North Point. He was stronger than Aeoplis's strongest elephant and almost as handsome as his parents. Vasillisa was most proud of this child and set him on top of the skull sky to live and she called this god-to-be Zodenthur, Lord of the Heavens and god of the sun and sky.

Rousifix did not like this one bit. He was not pleased that his siblings left him out of building the world so he spat on their creation and where his spittle landed, nothing grew there and it was called desert. He was angry and jealous of Vasillisa's affections towards Aeoplis so The Red One took his steel horns and attacked his brother. Slifferion leaped from the tree to protect his father and bit the evil Rousifix, forever weakening The Red One with the poison from his fangs. The angry Rousifix used his steel horns to permanently blind the cobra then laughed about what he had done. Aeoplis, wielding Exaeoplier, attacked his evil brother. The battle was epic and much blood was split. The magic blood fell to the Earth. The blood that mixed with land became the gruesome Trolls of Blood who built their home in the land they called Brigsinheim. The blood that mixed with water became the seductive mermaids and mermen of the deep oceans and they called their underwater kingdom Atamantia.

In the end, even after being weakened by the cobra, Rousifix killed Aeoplis. The Red One took the skin of Aeoplis and wore it over his own and danced up to Vasillisa. The Angelic Maiden was not fooled by The Evil One's Trickery and she fled from him. Rousifix pursued her to Earth and caught her and had his way with her. Zodenthur saw all this from Avalympyis, the palace he built upon the skull of Swinloggin, and rushed down to Earth to save his mother. He grabbed Rousifix, who was too tired from all his mischief to resist, and fed the Bloody One to the Turtle Dragon, Amphishelldryo, and The Mother of Earth used her cosmic magics to imprison her evil brother inside the beast's belly until The End of Days, when the world ends. Zodenthur found his father's mighty sword, Exaeoplier, and slung it round his back.

Vasillisa gave birth to two more eggs, the father of these being her evil brother Rousifix. The creature to hatch from the first egg was a monster so fierce that any mortal creature who looked this creature in the eye died from shock. She called this monster Cerverius. It was a large bear-like beast with pitch black fur and two sizable wings. Cerverius had three heads, one was of a lion and the other a tiger and the third a bear. Zodenthur took this creature and gave it to the Dark Elves of the forests to watch over and tame if it could be tamed. From the second egg hatched a beautiful maiden, the first goddess of the gods and goddesses that would soon be. She was almost as beautiful as her mother, but her hair was brown and she was wingless. Vasillisa called the goddess Gemmica, the marriage and fertility goddess, and Zodenthur fell in love with her. He took the goddess up to Avalympyis and married her. Vasillisa was happy that her children were happy but sad that her lover and father were killed by her older brother. She died of a broken heart and her body turned into a mist that forever surrounds and protects the kingdom of Avalympyis in the Heaven upon Swinloggin's skull. From the mist, emerged a young maiden, beautiful and naked was made more than welcome into Heaven. She called herself Felicitia and was the most beautiful of all the goddesses, none would ever come close to her beauty which is why Felicitia became the goddess of love, beauty, and desire. She was the final daughter of The Mother of Earth.

The King of Gods wanted to give his bride a gift. He went down to Earth and built out of clay a man and a woman. Zodenthur fashioned these people after himself and named the man Aris and the woman Ema. The god filled their lungs with air and they began to breathe and they came to life. Zodenthur told the two that he created them for this world and that they mustn't harm it or else they would be cursed to die mortal deaths. Aris and Ema agreed to the god's terms and wondered off to explore the world they were given to. Zodenthur rushed back up to his Heaven kingdom, Avalympyis, to show his wife the gift he made for her. She looked down to Earth and saw Aris and Ema. The Queen of Gods was not at all happy with what she saw before her. She thought that they were appalling and an insult to her divinity. She lied to her husband and told her she loved the gift and Zodenthur told her how he made them and what he had told them. Gemmica began to plot of a way to be ride of these monstrosities without her husband knowing she had any part of it. She had inherited her mother's beauty and her father's fiendish nature.

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